Textron LCAC

US Navy takes delivery of LCAC 112 from Textron Systems


The US Navy has accepted delivery of the ship-to-shore connector, landing craft, air cushion (LCAC) 112, from Textron Systems.

Credit: US Navy

As disclosed, the delivery, which took place on March 13, 2025, follows the completion of acceptance trials and represents the official transfer of the craft from the shipbuilder to the navy. During acceptance trials, the US Navy’s Board of Inspection and Survey tested the readiness and capability of the craft to effectively meet requirements.

“This new craft will provide the Navy and Marine Corps team with unparalleled capability in amphibious warfare, ensuring we remain agile and responsive to emerging threats and global challenges,” said Angela Bonner, program manager for Amphibious Assault and Connectors Programs, Program Executive Office, Ships (PEO Ships).

“The introduction of LCAC 112 into our fleet marks another significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to maintain and enhance operational readiness.”

“This advanced craft will significantly enhance operations, providing a critical link in our ability to project power and support joint operations across the globe.”

The current LCAC is built with configurations, dimensions, and clearances similar to legacy LCACs—ensuring that it is fully compatible with existing well-deck-equipped amphibious ships.

LCACs can carry an approximate 60 to 75-ton payload and primarily transport weapon systems, equipment, cargo, and assault element personnel through a wide range of conditions, including over-the-beach.

Textron Systems is currently in serial production of LCACs 113-125.

In January this year, Textron Systems unveiled a new family of autonomous maritime surface vessels, the TSUNAMI.

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