Severnaya Verf delivers 5th Project 20380 corvette to Russian Navy


Severnaya Verf Shipyard, part of Russia’s United Shipbuilding Corporation, has delivered the fifth Project 20380 corvette to the Russian Navy.

Severnaya Verf Shipyard

As informed, the delivery ceremony took place on 10 May. The corvette was named Merkury, in honor of an earlier combat sailing ship that became a symbol of Russian naval sailors. Merkury was laid down in February 2015 under the name of Retiviy.

The day before the delivery, the commissioning team of the corvette and naval sailors completed testing and verification of ship systems, weapons systems and special equipment of the ship.

Mercury is the fifth corvette built at Severnaya Shipyard by Almaz Central Design Bureau. The previous four corvettes Steregushchiy, Soobrazitelny, Stoikiy and Boikiy are serving in the Baltic Fleet. 

These multi-purpose corvettes are designed to detect and destroy enemy submarines and surface ships, ensure landings, and also solve various tasks in the near sea zone. The ships are equipped with artillery, anti-missile, anti-submarine, sonar and radar systems, and a deck for the Ka-27 helicopter.