Russian Navy’s ship Admiral Panteleyev hunts down enemy submarines


The crew of the Pacific Fleet’s anti-submarine ship Admiral Panteleyev held an exercise in the Pacific Ocean near the coastline of Kamchatka.

Russian Navy

As informed, the vessel undertook the drill while heading to its permanent base.

Photo: Russian Navy

The crew received data from Ka-27PL helicopter on the location of an unidentified submarine of the mock enemy.

When the crew was tasked to contact the submarine, the ship changed its course and commenced searching for the underwater object.

Once the mock enemy’s submarine was detected, the crew simulated launching depth bombs and anti-submarine torpedoes. The tasks have successfully been accomplished, according to the Russian Navy.

The undersea target was simulated electronically during the exercise.

Earlier on, the Russian Navy also sent anti-submarine ships Aleksin and Kabardino-Balkariya to practice searching, detecting and eliminating mock enemy submarines within bipartite command exercise held in the naval training areas of the Baltic Fleet.

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The naval crews succeeded in classifying the target and eliminating it using anti-submarine armament.

The anti-submarine ships have practiced shooting with RBU-6000 rocket-assisted bomb launchers, as well as launching torpedos.