Australian Attack-class submarines: 2 companies get subcontracts for design of key subsystems


Two Australian companies have signed subcontracts for the design of key subsystems in the Royal Australian Navy’s Attack-class submarine program.

Photo: Naval Group

Safran Electronics subcontracted Adelaide-based Acacia Systems and Western Sydney-based Thomas Global Systems for the design of the Optronics Search and Attack, Navigation Radar and Navigation Data Distribution systems, the country’s defense ministry said.

“The signing of these most recent subcontracts is a positive next step in growing Australian industry involvement in the program as we transition towards detailed design and the construction of the fleet,” according to Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC.

“We remain firmly committed to maximising local industry involvement in this nationally significant program which will deliver a regionally superior capability for our navy.”

Under the subcontracts, Acacia Systems will deliver prototypes and interface simulators, enabling Lockheed Martin Australia to conduct test activities and validate the integrated performance of the combat system in its Adelaide-based Combat System Architecture Laboratory.

Thomas Global Systems will carry out the design of processing hardware for the optronics masts, navigation radar and navigation data distribution systems.

The Australian Government’s AUD 50 billion program will see 12 Attack-class submarines designed and built for the Australian Navy. The first unit, HMAS Attack, is scheduled to be delivered in the early 2030s. The new submarines are to replace Australia’s current six Collins-class submarines, first of which is set to retire in 2026.

Australian Attack-class submarines: Contracts for MSB design awarded

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