Ukraine launches first Centaur-class assault boat


Ukrainian shipbuilder and arms manufacturer Kuznya na Rybalskomu has launched the country’s first Centaur-class assault boat.

Centaur-class assault craft in the water. Photo: Ukrainian defense ministry

The ceremony took place on September 14 in Kiev and was attended by high-ranking officials, including the head of the Ukrainian Navy forces, Ihor Voronchenko.

The Centaur-class craft are also known as Project 58181 vessels and are the first locally-designed and locally-built navy vessels.

According to the Ukrainian Military Portal, the assault boat displaces 47 tons and measures 24 meters in length. It is crewed by five sailors and can transport up to 32 troops. Propelled by waterjets, the boats have a reported top speed of 50 knots and can stay at sea for a maximum of five days.

The class is armed with two remote weapon stations with 12.7 mm high-caliber machine guns and a 40-mm rocket launcher. The boats also feature two 80-mm rocket-launch systems.

Centaur-class assault boats will complement the Ukrainian Navy fleet of Gurza and Gurza-M artillery boats.