Kuwait Coast Guard becomes 1st to command a Combined Task Force


The Royal Saudi Navy (RSN) has handed over command of Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) Combined Task Force 152 (CTF152) to the Kuwait Coast Guard (KCG).

Photo: Combined Maritime Forces

The change of command ceremony took place at the CMF Headquarters in Bahrain on September 12.

As explained, this is the first time a CTF is under the command of a coastguard.

Kuwait has had a constant presence in CMF with the Kuwaiti Navy previously commanding CTF152 in 2009 and 2012.

CTF152 are responsible for maritime security and counter-terrorism within the Arabian Gulf, as well as building cooperation between Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and the wider CMF. While the Kuwait Coastguard will have command, they have military personnel from Bahrain, Jordan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, the UK and the US.

On handing over command, Captain Abdullah Al Bader from RSN said: “Over this year, there have been no obstructions to the free flow of commerce, no restrictions placed on the freedom of navigation and no terrorist or criminal operations with the Arabian Gulf. This could not have remained the case without the efforts provided by the CMF members.”

On assuming command, Captain Alfodary pointed out: “I plan to develop a strong relationship and share information with all the task forces, units and personnel to achieve our tasks. I have faith, a huge amount of trust in all my staff and a strong relationship with each single individual and I believe in them to help me reach my intention. We stand as one!”