Royal Navy minehunter Shoreham heads for Persian Gulf deployment


Royal Navy mine hunter HMS Shoreham departed HM Naval Base Clyde on June 18 for a deployment to the Persian Gulf.

Photo: Royal Navy

The Sandown-class minehunter’s 40 crew started a 6,000 mile journey to the Gulf region from the Argyll and Bute base to take over from sister-ship HMS Bangor who has spent the past three-years in the Middle East.

Sailing the ship was Crew 3 from the First Mine Counter Measures Squadron (MCM1), the Faslane-based force which forms part of the UK’s dedicated Mine Warfare Battle Staff.

“I am immensely proud of my crew, who have worked hard this year to ensure the Royal Navy’s mine counter measures capability remains first class,” said Lieutenant Commander Adrian Visram, Commanding Officer of HMS Shoreham.

“We are looking forward to putting our training into action during our Gulf deployment, carrying out seabed surveys and working as part of an international force helping to keep the region’s sea lanes safe.”

During the deployment HMS Shoreham will meet with Portsmouth mine hunter HMS Brocklesby and work with the US Navy Fifth Fleet as part of the 30 nation Combined Maritime Forces and Gulf Cooperation Council.