Australia green lights Garden Island wharf recovery project


A project to repair and upgrade two Sydney wharves used by the Royal Australian Navy has received green light to start.

The project, called Stage One, is aimed at addressing significant condition, capacity and compliance issues with two existing wharves at Garden Island (East), Sydney, New South Wales.

These wharves, referred to as the Cruiser Wharf and the Oil Wharf, will be demolished and a new wharf in a revised alignment will be built in their place.

An additional proposal includes extending an adjoining wharf to limit the new realigned wharf’s protrusion. The new realigned wharf will be equipped with a new crane, engineering services and wharf furniture similar to those on the existing wharves.

Stage One will include demolition and construction of wharf structures, seabed dredging, fitting of wharf furniture and a portal crane.

Two video animations shared by the Royal Australian Navy outline what will be done on the two wharves.