NATO eyes dispatching warships to German naval base Warnemünde


NATO is eyeing the German naval station Warnemünde as logistical support for ships assigned to its maritime task groups, German media are reporting.

According to the Ostsee-Zeitung which received a confirmation from the German defense ministry, Germany had earlier offered NATO to share the base in Rostock with German Navy vessels already stationed there.

The report further says that in addition to logistic support, NATO’s Norfolk headquarters was evaluating the mooring berths that could be used for different types of ships.

It was noted, however, that the Warnemünde naval base command was not aware of any such plans. Another factor to consider is the fact that Germany’s five new corvettes are set to be stationed there once they start entering service from 2019. It is estimated that the five corvettes would bring around a 1,000 more personnel to the base.