SAES to deliver diver detection sonar to Kazakhstan Navy


Kazakhstan’s Zenit shipyard has contracted undersea security and defense company SAES to deliver the fourth Intruder Detection Sonar DDS-03 for Kazakhstan Navy ships.

Delivery of the new sonar is scheduled for 2018 and it will be the fourth of a series that started in 2015. Moreover, the company says first steps have been taken in order to supply more DDS-03 sonars in 2018.

In 2014, SAES and Gydropribor Kazakhstan (which belongs to the Kazakshtan Engineering Group) signed a memorandum of cooperation for joint production and marketing of Diver Detection Sonars (DDS-03).

This collaboration has resulted in the delivery of three systems and now the procurement of a fourth one.

“We customize our products to the requirements of our clients and we believe this is the basis of their trust in SAES,” SAES general director Antonio Cordero explained.

Additionally, SAES will, in collaboration with Gydropribor, introduce MIRS range stations for signature measurement and MINEA smart naval mine systems to Kazakhstan.