US Navy test fires Raytheon’s SeaRAM missile


The U.S. Navy has tested Raytheon’s SeaRAM anti-ship missile defense system by performing test shots that took out several targets in scenarios that mimicked threats a warship could be faced with.

The Raytheon SeaRAM Anti-ship Missile Defense System is a low-risk evolution of the Phalanx Block 1B Close-In Weapon System and the Rolling Airframe Missile.

The series of two shots included one in which two supersonic missiles were inbound simultaneously, flying in complex, evasive maneuvers.

U.S. Navy’s Self Defense Test Ship served as a platform for the firings off the coast of Southern California.

In both flights, according to Raytheon, the SeaRAM detected, tracked and engaged the threats, and fired Rolling Airframe Missile Block 2 guided missiles which intercepted the targets.

“SeaRAM achieved a new level of success today, intercepting targets under high-stress conditions,” said Rick Nelson, vice president of Raytheon’s Naval and Area Mission Defense product line.

Phalanx is a rapid-fire, computer-controlled radar and 20mm gun system that acquires, tracks and destroys enemy threats that have penetrated all other ship defense systems.
Intended to enlarge Phalanx’s keep-out range against anti-ship missiles, rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft, unmanned aircraft systems and other evolving threats, SeaRAM anti-ship missile defense systems use advanced Phalanx Block 1B sensors and replace the gun with an 11-round Rolling Airframe Missile guide.