BAE System to develop radio signal detection system for US Navy


The U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR) has awarded BAE Systems an $11 million contract to develop electronic warfare (EW) technology that will detect, locate, and identify sources of radio frequency signals.

Known as the Full-Spectrum Staring Receiver (FSSR), this technology will enable near-instantaneous battlespace situational awareness, emitter tracking, threat warning, and countermeasure cueing. Conventional threat warning systems are not able to deliver the high level of coverage and responsiveness that FSSR will provide.

Steve Hedges, FSSR principal investigator at BAE Systems, said: “The program integrates a complementary array of innovative technologies into a comprehensive capability that addresses a critical need for full spectrum awareness, ensuring the Navy’s ships and aircraft are best prepared for future missions.

By subjecting the receiver to realistic, complex electromagnetic environments, we can demonstrate how these discrete innovations combine to enable an effective EW system capability.”

According to BAE Systems, the FSSR capability will allow U.S. Navy ships to be constantly aware of threat emitters over a broad span of the electromagnetic spectrum. This effort is part the ONR’s Electronic Warfare Discovery & Invention Program, which seeks to develop and demonstrate a broad range of next-generation EW systems that exploit, deceive, or deny enemy use of the electromagnetic spectrum while ensuring their unfettered use by friendly forces.

Peter Craig, electronic warfare program officer for ONR, said: “I am particularly excited by this research effort, because it integrates a number of electronic warfare technologies that have been advanced by ONR-funded efforts dating back to 2008.”