Canadian Navy Ships Head for European Coasts


Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Halifax departed Norfolk, Virginia, September 21, 2015, to join HMC ships Athabaskan and Montréal, as well as United States Naval Ships William McLean and United States Ship The Sullivans.

The ships are currently transiting the North Atlantic Ocean and will be conducting Task Group Exercises (TGEX) in preparation for the upcoming multi-national military exercises JOINT WARRIOR and TRIDENT JUNCTURE 15, also referred to as JOINTEX 15, in Canada. TGEX plays an important role for Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) ships’ crew by providing interoperability training for embarked Fleet staff. HMCS Halifax will be flagship for TGEX, using new equipment fitted during its modernization to support the embarked Commander and his staff.

Commodore Craig Baines, Commander Canadian Fleet Atlantic and head of the Canadian-led task group said:

Our modernized frigates are proving their worth and their capability not only to take part in, but also to take the lead during international maritime exercises. Our sailors, and all Canadians, can be proud of our country’s continuing reputation for excellence at sea.

Exercises JOINT WARRIOR and TRIDENT JUNCTURE 15 will take place in October and in November off the coast of the United Kingdom as well as of Portugal, Spain, and Italy. They are two of the largest multi-national military exercises to take place in recent years, with Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE 15 being the largest NATO exercise in more than a decade.

Image: Canadian Navy