Sea Trials Delayed for USS Gerald R. Ford


Testing of advanced systems onboard USS Gerald R. Ford has fallen behind schedule, thereby delaying the sea trials phase.

The delay of the sea trials phase may add up to six to eight weeks and push the delivery of the US Navy’s new aircraft carrier behind the march 2016 deadline.

In a statement released yesterday, reported by Defense News, the US Navy has further stated that the exact delivery date will be known only after the completion of the sea trials phase.

What caused the delay is the CVN 78 shipboard test program. The Navy has acknowledged that the CVN 78 is 93% complete.

The news came in the wake of another possible delay which may be caused by shock trial tests requested by Michael Gilmore, Director, Operational Test and Evaluation. The shock trials could, by some estimates, prolong the carrier’s delivery date for up to two years.

Naval Today Staff, Image: US Navy