Medical Department Aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt

Training & Education

Medical Department Aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt

A slip and fall down a ladderwell is one thing, but a full-scale mass casualty is quite a different story. Either way, Medical department aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) remains prepared to respond quickly.

Medical is always ready for the unexpected. Sailors assigned there constantly train for any scenario that might occur while underway.

“During a typical medical emergency, everything stops,” said Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Bernard Morales, “We utilize a lot of personnel in our department and work with Weapons and Security to make sure the patient is taken to where he or she needs to go.”

General Quarters (GQ), a set of firefighting, damage control and emergency drills, is the epitome of game time for Medical. Medical’s performance during the simulated scenarios of GQ can be the difference between life and death during a crisis. Corpsmen, stationed throughout the ship, respond to events as they unfold, honing their lifesaving skills.

“Everyone plays a vital role,” said Morales. “Whether it is triage, hanger bay or first responders in the operation room, everyone plays a fundamental role that serves a major purpose.”

According to Morales, the cohesiveness of the department is what makes it so effective.

“From my experience, this is the fastest ship I have been on in regards to learning to deal with the scenarios,” said Morales, “We have a great team here, and I can’t stress that enough.”

So, the next time TR Sailors are sick or injured, they know the Medical department is on call.

Press Release, November 19, 2013; Image: US Navy