Gunners Assigned to HMS Richmond Share Their Knowledge with Army Personnel

Training & Education

Gunners Assigned to HMS Richmond Share Their Knowledge with Army Personnel

The gunners of Portsmouth frigate, HMS Richmond shared their knowledge with their soldiering counterparts when they hosted 30 members of the Army Joint Tactical Targeting course.

The tactical targeting course trains specialist Army personnel from both the UK and overseas to operate in close liaison with naval units when they’re working close to the coast so they the ships can provide targeted firepower ashore – Naval Gunfire Support in RN terminology.

Gunners Assigned to HMS Richmond Share Their Knowledge with Army Personnel

Such support has been used to potent effect in Libya and, ten years ago, in the opening hours of the Iraq campaign. Richmond’s gunnery officer, Lt Cdr Tom Edwards, helped organise the visit.

He said:

“The Royal Navy retains a world class ability to deliver gunfire support to troops ashore, the importance of which was once again proven during the recent Libya campaign.

“It was therefore a pleasure to host our partners from the Army who we continue to work ever closer with.”

Following successful completion of an intensive period of Operational Sea Training, Richmond will shortly depart overseas for further warfare training with the RN’s allied navies.

Naval Today Staff, February 8, 2013; Image: UK Royal Navy