USA: NS Newport Hosts Regional Sea Cadet Leadership Training

Training & Education

NS Newport Hosts Regional Sea Cadet Leadership Training

A contingent of 60 Sea Cadets from the New England area graduated Jan. 1 from the 11th annual U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC), Region 1-3, Training Academy at Naval Station (NAVSTA) Newport.

The academy started Dec. 26 with the arrival of 49 cadets who enrolled in a Petty Officer Leadership Academy (POLA) and 11 cadets who enrolled in an Emergency Medicine Seminar (EMS).

“Trainings such as these are prerequisites for a cadet’s advancement,” said Lt. Cmdr. Dave Hull, NSCC, academy officer-in-charge.

Cadets from Indiana, California, Texas, Maryland, and South Carolina were amongst the group that consisted of six female cadets and 54 male cadets. Cadets ranged in ages 14 to 18 and wear a modified enlisted uniform.

Cadets meet at their local units during the school year, and train during winter and summer vacations at Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard installations nationwide.

“At the POLA cadets are learning to develop their leadership skills,” Hull said. “Graduation from a leadership academy is a specific prerequisite for promotion to petty officer second class,” he said.

Cadets received approximately 40 hours of classroom instruction on leadership, management, and counseling. Physical fitness training was conducted daily.

“Nearly 450 young men and women from across the country have benefited from this training opportunity over the years at Naval Station Newport,” Hull said.

The Emergency Medicine Seminar is a pilot program that consists of classroom instruction and practical exercises. Cadets were certified in CPR, use of an automatic external defibrillator, and as first responders during the seminar.

“These cadets will receive first responder training from several Sea Cadet officers who are medical professionals,” Hull said.

An ambulance/emergency medical equipment, and emergency medicine orientation was provided Dec. 30 by NAVSTA Newport Fire and Emergency Services personnel at the Public Safety Complex, Building 1373.

Naval Today Staff, January 3, 2013; Image: US Navy