USA: SAPR Mobile Training Team Visits NAS Pensacola

Training & Education

SAPR Mobile Training Team Visits NAS Pensacola

The Southeast region Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Fleet Master Mobile Training Team (MMTT) deployed to Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola to train command teams Dec. 13-14.

The SAPR-F training is the latest event in the Navy’s aggressive efforts to prevent sexual assaults and promote essential culture changes within the force. The 20 SAPR-F Master Mobile Training Teams (MMTTs) began deploying around the globe Dec. 6 to provide SAPR-F Preparation Training to designated mid-level leadership command training teams in fleet concentration areas and locations with significant Navy presence. These command training teams will then deliver the SAPR-F training to their E-6 and below personnel, which must be completed at each command by March 31.

The problem of sexual assault can significantly affect command morale. NETC Force Master Chief (AW/SW) April Beldo encouraged command training teams to make sure their Sailors take the SAPR message to heart.

“Sexual assault is not only a concern for victims, but also impacts command readiness in many ways. When trust is lost within a command, it is impossible to meet the mission,” said Beldo. “I challenge each and every Sailor to become an advocate that will not tolerate the crime of sexual assault. It’s not just a leadership issue – this has to be implemented at the deckplate level. It is every Sailor’s job to carry this message to their peers and act responsibly.”

More than 1,000 face-to-face SAPR-F Preparation Training sessions are scheduled through mid-January, providing training for active and reserve component training teams. Those teams that are deployed and unable to attend a face-to-face training session can receive the training via Defense Connect Online. After command training teams provide the SAPR-F training to their E-6 and below, each command is responsible for documenting completion via the Fleet Training Management Planning System (FLTMPS).

Lt. Cmdr. Bert Rice is assigned as team leader for the Southeast Region Master Training Team presenting SAPR-F sessions at NAS Pensacola.

“The first training sessions have gone great and we’re getting into a rhythm,” said Rice. “My team has an aggressive schedule of 115 sessions in 45 days, ranging from Panama City, Fla. to Millington Tenn. to New Orleans; allowing us to see a lot of the fleet. This is time exceptionally-well spent and we are looking forward to delivering the CNO’s message on sexual assault prevention to the southeast region. Our goal is to prepare the command teams to effectively deliver training to the deckplate Sailor.”

Sexual assault prevention is an important element of the readiness area of the 21st Century Sailor and Marine initiative, which builds resiliency to hone the most combat-effective force in the history of the Department of the Navy.

Naval Today Staff, December 14, 2012; Image: US Navy