USA: BD&E to Develop Ocean Power Harnessing Generator

Research & Development

BD&E to Develop Ocean Power Harnessing Generator

Bodkin Design & Engineering (BD&E) has been awarded a Phase I SBIR contract from the Navy to develop a prototype wave harvesting system capable of generating power from ocean energy found in coastal waters. The fully submerged, robust, self-contained design is anti-fouling and ideally suited for surf zone operation where extreme environmental conditions could damage systems that rely on deployed arms, floats or fragile mechanics.

A prototype unit was constructed and tested at our Newton facility and was found to have a power conversion efficiency between 34% and 50%. This covert system is designed to be alternative power source for submerged sensors and systems. In addition to its military uses, this submerged system can find application to commercial moorings and on pleasure boats.

This six month project is funded by the Small Business Innovation Research program (SBIR), a program established by the Small Business Administration Office to ensure that the nation’s small, high-tech, innovative businesses are a significant part of the federal government’s research and development efforts.

Naval Today Staff, October 19, 2012; Image: Bodkin