Raytheon Anschutz Delivers Navigational Radars for Canadian Navy’s Halifax-Class Frigates

Equipment & technology


In May 2012, the German navigation system manufacturer Raytheon Anschütz completes the delivery of the first 6 sets of navigational Radars for the mid-life upgrade of the Canadian Navy’s Halifax-class frigates. Furthermore, together with Canadian company Virtual Marine Technologies (VMT) a land-based Radar simulator has now been supplied and set to work.

The scope of on-board systems covers X-/ and S-Band Radars with high-performance detection capabilities. The Radar have been enhanced with new radiation control and pulse blanker interfaces and interfaces with the ship’s new command and control system, the CanACCS 9LV, the navigation distribution system and the Canadian Navy electronic chart system SHINNADS.

In addition to the Radar supply, Raytheon Anschütz has contracted the Canadian company Virtual Marine Technologies

(VMT) of St. Johns, New Foundland to build Radar simulator equipment to connect the supplied Radar system to the HCM land-based test and support facility (LBTS) at the MATTS in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. The equipment is based on high-level architecture and was designed to work with Raytheon Radars. After having successfully passed a comprehensive testing and acceptance process the first radar system for LBTS was already installed in Halifax.

“The cooperation between Raytheon Anschütz and VMT on the Halifax Class Radar simulator has been very successful. The next step with VMT is the supply of a sensor simulation for the German Navy F125 program. In addition, we are cooperating in a ‘Proof of Concept’ program on the joint development of on-board simulated training system for integrated bridges and individual systems which utilize on-board assets and reduce the requirement for land-based training facilities.”, Richard Waldron, BD and Sales Manager for Canada at Raytheon Anschütz, commented.

Raytheon Anschütz was selected as supplier by prime contractor Lockheed Martin Canada in 2009. In May 2012 the 6th Radar system is delivered to the shipyard. Setting to work on the first two Halifax class frigates is planned for summer 2012. The other ship systems are planned to follow through to 2015. Besides offering program management in accordance with complex Canadian Navy requirements, Raytheon Anschütz also utilises service engineers from Canadian companies on the East and West Coast to carry out training, setting to work and support activities through the life of the Halifax-class frigates.

With the successful handling of the Halifax-class Radar modernization program, Raytheon Anschütz has moved from being a service provider to a strong systems supplier to the Canadian Navy.

Naval Today Staff, May 08, 2012;