Russia: BF Commander Congratulates Servicemen on Motherland Defenders’ Day


BF Commander Congratulates Servicemen on Motherland Defenders' Day

Baltic Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Viktor Chirkov congratulated naval mariners on the Motherland Defenders’ Day.

“On behalf of the Baltic Fleet Military Council, I tender congratulations to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military service, labor, and combat actions, servicemen, their families, and all who maintains peaceful life on the national holiday, the Motherland Defenders’ Day.

February 23 is a significant and remarkable date in the history of our country. In accordance with long-standing tradition, this day is celebrated not only by people wearing shoulder loops but all Russian men. Over the course of history, military service has always been a symbol of courage, dedication, valor, and heroism. This holiday consolidates feats of arms done by all generations of Russian people. In this day, every citizen of our country feels special sense in such words as Motherland, allegiance, duty, and honor.

Today we pay honors to those who defended independence of our country even unto death during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. We express our gratitude and appreciation to those who honorably did service duties in Afghanistan, Chechen Republic, and other “flash points”.

Alongside with doing primary functions, naval servicemen systematically participate in rescue operations, mine countermeasures, warn about emergency situations, and assist law enforcement officers in maintaining public order. Almost every day the fleet’s minesweepers disarm mines, shells and other lethal legacy of the World War II.

Dear colleagues, I sincerely wish you and your families splendid health, buoyancy, optimism, happiness and welfare, further successful service for the sake of Russia and its Navy!”

Naval Today Staff , February 23, 2012; Image: warfare