Russia: Navy Veterans, Kids Paid Honors to Fallen Heroes



Two events – 315th anniversary of Russian Navy’s foundation and White Cranes Poetry Day related to servicemen fallen in battles – were held on Oct 20 in Youth Movement Museum in Ryazan, Russia.

In 1696 Peter the Great issued the first law about fleet. Today’s Russian Navy operates surface and submarine forces, naval aviation, marine units, and coast defense troops.

Chairman of Ryazan Regional Navy Veteran Organization Capt 1 rank (retired) Vasily Grishin greeted schoolchildren and veterans attended the conference.

“Town of Ryazan and its citizens played significant role in exploration of northern territories, Baltic, Far East, and Pacific Ocean. First Russian warship Oryol was built in Ryazan land. Glory of Russian sailors has been always thundering across the world, victory is wherever Russian Navy is”, said Vasily Grishin. “Ryazan natives are over 250 admirals, the town follows maritime traditions – Naval Glory Park was built, monuments to famed sailors and submariners were reconstructed, some schools were named in honor of naval heroes. So, we do esteem glorious deeds of our predecessors”, added the veteran.

Participants paid honor to those mariners failed to return home from battles by minute of silence.

Source: rusnavy, October 24, 2011