Hanoi to Purchase Six Kilo Class Russian Submarines



Hanoi will purchase six Kilo class Russian submarines with the view to “protect the country”. Experts evaluate the sale as $3 bln, report Western news agencies referring to Vietnamese defense minister Gen. Phung Quang Thanh.

The minister made this statement earlier in Singapore as Hanoi’s official reaction on the incident happened on May 26 with three Chinese vessels belonging to State Oceanic Administration. Chinese ships “pursued” Vietnamese oil-and-seismic exploration vessel of Petro Vietnam oil and gas company. As a result, survey cable of the Vietnamese ship was torn, writes Defense News.

Reportedly, the incident occurred within Vietnamese exclusive economic zone. It aroused indignation in Vietnam, provoked protest actions opposite Chinese embassy building in Hanoi, and hacker attacks upon Chinese governmental websites.

This incident causes “serious concern over maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea”, said Vietnamese national security minister.

Key features of Kilo class submarines are high silence, optimal automation of all control processes, and powerful missile/torpedo/mine armament.
Source: rusnavy, June 13, 2011;