Ships from Pacific Fleet Leave China

Training & Education


Pacific Fleet (PF) task unit consisting of large ASW ship Admiral Panteleyev and rescue tug Fotiy Krylov under command of PF Primorskaya Flotilla Capt 1 rank Viktor Sokolov left Shanghai port on June 8 after a 2-day formal visit.

During the visit to China, PF mariners replenished fuel and food supplies, went sightseeing, and held informal meetings with Chinese counterparts.

The task unit sailed off Vladivostok on May 3. Performing tasks overseas, Russian servicemen visited Singapore in May 16-20 to attend the IMDEX-2011 international arms show in “the Lion City”. The culmination of the visit was joint Russian-Singaporean anti-piracy drill.

In May 25-29, PF ships paid friendly visit to Indonesian port Makassar. Aside from cultural and sport events, Russian and Indonesian mariners held joint maneuvering, communication, and life-saving drills, as well as discussed issues of civil shipping protection from pirate attacks.

As expected, the PF task unit will arrive in homebase Vladivostok on June 14, 2011.


Source: Rusnavy, June 10, 2011;