Finland: Wärtsilä Enters into Cooperation with Crisis Management Initiative



Wärtsilä, a leading provider of power solutions to marine and energy markets, has entered into co-operation with Crisis Management Initiative, an independent Finnish non-profit organisation, which works to resolve conflicts and to build sustainable peace.

As lead partner, Wärtsilä supports the activities of CMI and creates partnership programmes with CMI in selected areas across the globe.

CMI Chairman, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Martti Ahtisaari explains that corporate support is essential for CMI to grow and become more effective. Only with proper core funding can the organisation develop truly effective projects.

CMI specializes in resolving conflicts through peace mediation and confidence-building measures. The aim is to consolidate peace processes and produce lasting, sustainable peace with long-term engagement. It has ongoing operations in Africa, the Middle East, the Black Sea region, Central Asia and Aceh, Indonesia.

“Wärtsilä’s commitment and focus on sustainability and responsible business conduct will be strengthened through this partnership with Crisis Management Initiative. We are honoured to join forces with CMI, which has a decade of experience in making the world a better place by supporting conflict resolution and creating more solid governance,” says Marko Vainikka, Director, Sustainability at Wärtsilä Corporation.

Wärtsilä has delivered power solutions to more than 160 countries. In many developing countries Wärtsilä technology is a key element in the energy infrastructure, and a prerequisite for economic and social development. The lifecycle of Wärtsilä’s installations often spans more than 30 years and the company is at times bound to operate in weak governance zones. In such areas Wärtsilä strives to contribute to building stronger governance and responsible business conduct, and there CMI can make a difference.

Wärtsilä has a long tradition in sustainable business practices. The Wärtsilä Code of Conduct binds all employees, and Wärtsilä has also joined the UN Global Compact initiative. Partnering now with CMI, Wärtsilä emphasises the importance of business responsibility and support to the societies where it operates.
Source: Wärtsilä, April 4, 2011;