Russian Navy’s Yasen-M class submarine Arkhangelsk launched


Sevmash Shipyard, a division of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), has launched the nuclear-powered Yasen-M class submarine Arkhangelsk for the Russian Navy.


As informed, the third vessel in this class, Arkhangelsk, was launched on November 29.

The changes and technical solutions introduced into the Yasen-M project concern the elemental base of radio-technical weapons systems, modernized equipment and materials produced by Russian companies. More than 400 companies and organizations from all over Russia are involved in the construction of nuclear submarines.

The event participants emphasized the significance of the event – an important stage in the construction of a modern fourth-generation ship of the Yasen-M project has been completed. 

Also known as Project 885, the Yasen-M submarines are being built by the Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk, Russia, under a design by St. Petersburg-based Malakhit Central Design Bureau.

The vessel’s maximum length is 130 meters, with a maximum hull width of 13 meters and an average draft of 9.4 meters.

The first submarine in the class, Severodvinsk, was delivered to the Russian Navy in 2013, twenty years after it was laid down in 1993. Following sea trials, the submarine was commissioned in 2014.

The first Yasen-M boat was laid down in July 2009. With a submerged displacement of 13,800 tons, Project 885M submarines are armed with 24 Oniks (SS-N-26) and Kalibr (SS-N-27) cruise missiles in addition to torpedoes. They are reportedly one of the quietest submarines to be operated by Russia.