Australia’s first MQ-4C Triton completes first flight


Northrop Grumman Corporation has completed the first flight of Australia’s multi-intelligence MQ-4C Triton uncrewed aircraft.

Northrop Grumman

As informed, the company completed the flight of MQ-4C Triton at its Palmdale Aircraft Integration Center in California on November 9. The flight lasted 6 hours and 24 minutes. Airworthiness evaluations, such as engine, flight control and fuel system checks, and basic aircraft handling tests were conducted.

The flight marks a major production milestone as Northrop Grumman progresses toward delivery of Australia’s first Triton in 2024.

Built for the U.S. Navy and Royal Australian Air Force, the multi-intelligence MQ-4C Triton is the only uncrewed, high-altitude, long-endurance aircraft performing persistent maritime intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting.

In September, the Australian government announced the addition of a fourth aircraft that will enhance the resilience of their fleet and provide superior surveillance capability to monitor and protect Australia’s maritime interests.

“Triton expands Australia’s intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capability by providing reliable real-time intelligence and situational awareness. Persistent surveillance enables better planning, greatly enhancing joint military responses and operations,” Air Marshal Robert Chipman, Chief of the Royal Australian Air Force.