Steel cut for Brazilian Navy’s 2nd Tamandaré-class frigate


Águas Azuis, a special purpose entity (SPE) formed by thyssenkrupp Marine Systems, Embraer Defense & Security and Atech, cut the steel for the second Tamandaré-class frigate.


As informed, the steel for the vessel Jerônimo de Albuquerque was cut on November 1. The ceremony, which marks the official beginning of the construction of the ship, was held at thyssenkrupp Estaleiro Brasil Sul shipyard in Itajaí.

The vessel is built in parallel with the Tamandaré Frigate – F200, which is scheduled to be launched in mid-2024.

To remind, the keel for the first vessel in this class was laid in March this year. The launch of the Tamandaré frigate is estimated for mid-2024 and its delivery to the Brazilian Navy at the end of 2025. 

Conducted since 2017 by the Brazilian Navy, executed by Águas Azuis and managed by Empresa Gerencial de Projetos Navais (EMGEPRON), the Tamandaré Class Frigates Program is the most modern and innovative naval project developed in the country, comprising the building, within national territory, of four defense ships of high technological complexity. The vessels must reach operational capacity to respond and protect the “Blue Amazon”