UK MCA to use Schiebel’s Campcopter UAS for SAR ops


Provider of vertical flight solutions Bristow has been awarded a 10-year contract by the UK Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA) to deliver the Second-Generation Search and Rescue (UKSAR2G) program which includes the deployment of Schiebel’s CAMCOPTER S-100 unmanned air system (UAS).


In January 2019, Bristow received the delivery of the first Schiebel’s CAMCOPTER S-100 system. Under the contract, the company provided two aircraft, a ground control station and engineering and logistic support as a proof of concept capability.

The aim was to prove the utility of combining unmanned with manned aviation in the SAR role to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.

This year, Bristow took delivery of a second system, stationed on the south coast of England supporting the MCA and HM Coastguard operations in the English Channel. Recently, Bristow trained additional pilots and engineers to maintain its fleet of S-100 in the UK.

“The CAMCOPTER S-100 Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) UAS needs no prepared area or supporting launch or recovery equipment. It operates day and night, under adverse weather conditions with a range of payloads, out to 200 km, both on land and at sea,” according to Schiebel.

Schiebel has been expanding its services in the last couple of months. The company recently received a follow-on contract to supply the Royal Thai Navy (RTN) with additional Camcopter S-100 UASs.