New Queen Elizabeth carrier logistics center opened in Portsmouth

Equipment & technology

A new Royal Navy logistics center in Portsmouth, dedicated to maintenance for HMS Queen Elizabeth and wider naval ships and equipment, was opened on 21 June.

Photo by Royal Navy

Secured with a £7 million contract with BAE Systems and Francis Construction, the new center is the final project delivered within the 19-year QEC Infrastructure program.

Beginning in 2003, the program has invested £350 million into the Portsmouth naval base and £100 million in Scotland, creating and sustaining at least 550 jobs across the 50-year life of the vessels.

The new Hampshire facility will see everything from new lightbulbs, to critical engine parts funnelled through the site, helping to ensure that following maintenance the Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers can quickly return to operations.

“The Queen Elizabeth Class Carriers are the flagships of our Royal Navy, providing critical at-sea protection of the UK and our allies. Ensuring we can provide quick and efficient logistical support to our Royal Navy vessels is crucial to maintaining our resilience and operational advantage,” Defence Procurement Minister Jeremy Quin said.

In opening the center, the Defence Procurement Minister also outlined progress on the Climate Change and Sustainability Strategic Approach, which was launched last year to set out the ambition, principles and methods needed for UK defence to meet the challenge of climate change.

The facility has been future-proofed to support the UK’s Net Zero 2050 requirements. As a result, the roof hosts a photo-voltaic array consisting of 678 panels generating 250kW, with the adjacent car park array providing 1MW energy– comparable to the levels used by several hundred homes.

The logistics center is also the first Royal Navy infrastructure construction to be Net Zero in operation. 

To remind, Royal Navy’s aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth completed a “historic” maiden deployment last year. The vessel has led the UK Carrier Strike Group through its mission.