New Zealand Navy’s frigate Te Mana sails back home following capability upgrade


New Zealand Navy’s Anzac-class frigate HMNZS Te Mana started its voyage home following modernization at Seaspan’s Victoria Shipyards in British Columbia. 

Lockheed Martin

Back in 2014, New Zealand’s Ministry of Defence signed a contract with Lockheed Martin for the upgrade of Anzac-class frigates HMNZS Te Kaha and HMNZS Te Mana. As the prime systems integrator, Lockheed Martin Canada was responsible for the installation of upgraded systems on two Anzac-class frigates.

The upgrade included the installation of the company’s CMS 330 combat management system, which was initially developed for Canada’s Department of National Defence and then modified for the Royal New Zealand Navy with Canada’s support.

Lockheed Martin has worked closely with New Zealand’s Ministry of Defence, which led the project throughout.

“From the start of installation work on the first ship in 2019 to this milestone departure of Te Mana for Aotearoa New Zealand, the upgrade has required a major logistical effort from everyone involved,” said Jon Finderup, the Ministry’s Director Maritime Domain.

In addition to CMS upgrades, the frigates received MBDA’s Sea Ceptor vertical launched, active common anti-air modular missile (Maritime) – CAMM(M) which will replace the current RIM7P NATO Seasparrow missile system.

Lockheed Martin Canada’s CMS 330 is being integrated into three new ship classes in Canada, including Canadian surface combatants, the Arctic and offshore patrol ships, and joint support ships.

In addition to New Zealand, it is also being included on three Chilean Navy ships.

Last year, the Government of New Zealand revealed that work is underway to upgrade the communication systems of its two Anzac-class frigates.

The government approved the $21.2 million design of a new frigate communications system, which will include a new control system, modern radios, data and voice communication systems.