Saab to provide torpedo tubes for Swedish Navy’s corvettes
Swedish defence company Saab has received an order from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration for new torpedo tubes to be installed on the Swedish Navy’s corvettes.

The new torpedo tubes for the lightweight torpedoes will have the designation Tub m/20 and will replace the tubes currently in use on the Swedish Navy’s corvettes.

The tube is designed to meet future requirements, enabling a larger torpedo payload as well as easier loading and unloading.
“The new torpedo tube will enhance and future proof Sweden’s capability for operating lightweight torpedoes from surface ships, thereby helping their anti-submarine capabilities,” said Niclas Kolmodin, head of Saab’s business unit Underwater Systems.
The order value is approximately SEK150 million ($15 million), and there is an option to increase the quantity of the order.
Deliveries will take place during 2023, the company noted.
The new torpedo tube was developed as part of the order placed by Finland for its Pohjanmaa-class corvettes.
To remind, Saab recently finalized the upgrade of Swedish Navy’s Gävle-class corvette. The modernization has been carried out at Saab’s shipyard in Karlskrona and is the largest change the ship has gone through during its lifetime.