BMT to offer updated multi-role logistics ship design for Australia’s SEA2200 project


Engineering and ship design consultancy BMT has decided to offer an updated concept design from its ELLIDA multi-role logistics ship design family for the Royal Australian Navy’s (RAN) joint support ship project, SEA2200.


As informed, the modifications to the eventual RAN requirements will include flexible design to allow them to adapt to different mission requirements. The design encompasses a ro-ro cargo capability, cargo stores and provision to allow replenishment at sea for fuel and dry stores, with a well dock to support amphibious operations.

ELLIDA vessel is capable of transporting and delivering troops, vehicles, equipment and supplies to and from anywhere in the world in support of amphibious warfare and littoral operations. The centre of the ship has two extensive decks with flexible space for either vehicles, containers or equipment, ensuring the vessel has the flexibility to adapt to differing mission requirements.

Furthermore, the unit has been designed to provide strategic logistic transportation of rolling cargo, vehicles, troops and freight between operational areas to deliver support to amphibious operations using landing craft and helicopters. 

Also designed to operate as a humanitarian disaster response vessel, the ship is flexible to allow the addition of enhanced medical and/or replenishment at sea facilities.

“With many navies re-evaluating amphibious warfare operations in response to modern mission requirements, it is essential that support vessels are able to keep pace with evolving requirements to ensure vital logistical and supply needs are met. Navies around the world need to be equipped with auxiliary platforms that have the flexibility to support global operations,” Trevor Dove, Senior Business Development Manager, BMT, commented.

ELLIDA multi-role logistics ship is the third in the family of vessels designed by BMT for the auxiliary market, complimenting the AEGIR family already in service with the Royal Fleet Auxiliary and the Royal Norwegian Navy and SALVAS concept.

So far, BMT has been supporting numerous major defence projects in Australia, including the Air Warfare Destroyer platform design support, Amphibious Assault Ship (LHD) operational safety case and Auxiliary Tanker Double hull design.

In 2019, BMT teamed up with Australian-based Nautic Star to offer the M80 Interceptor next generation sea boat to the Australian government.

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