Leonardo delivers Qatar’s two NH90 NFH naval helicopters


The first two NH90 helicopters of the Qatar Emiri Air Force dedicated to naval missions were delivered by Italian company Leonardo.


The aircraft handover, achieved in accordance with contractual commitments, was performed during an official ceremony held at Leonardo’s Venice Tessera NH90 final assembly line.

The first NFH naval helicopter had its public premiere in Qatar on 18 December 2021 during National Day.

Qatar’s NH90 program includes 16 NH90 TTHs for land operations, 12 NH90 NFHs for naval missions, comprehensive support, maintenance and training services package and associated infrastructure. 

The program has the potential to be extended in the future with the addition of 6 + 6 units in a mixture of TTH and NFH variants.

Leonardo is prime contractor for the overall program and is also responsible for the final assembly and delivery of the 12 NH90 NFH helicopters from its Venice Tessera facility.

The company is also supplying simulators, training aids and extensive maintenance support and training services package for aircrews and maintenance technicians.

Recently, the Italian firm completed the delivery of upgraded naval vessels for the Royal Bahrain Naval Force (RBNF).