Italian Navy’s U212 submarine project moves a step closer to production


Italian Navy’s U212 near-future submarine (NFS) project has moved a step forward after the lithium-ion battery system to be installed on the submarines completed its System Design Review (SDR).


The information was revealed by Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation (OCCAR) on 16 March. This milestone marks a mandatory step forward in the development, possible production and integration on board of the U212 NFS fleet.

The SDR was achieved through a joint effort by all stakeholders such as the OCCAR U212 NFS Programme Division, Submarine teams of the Italian Navy and the teams led by Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri.

SDR’s core objectives were safety and the increase of the operating capacity of the lithium battery system.

The next significant step will be the Critical Design Review that completes the design of this energy storage system in line with the Italian Navy operational requirements.

To remind, Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri and OCCAR signed the agreement for the construction of two next-generation U212NFS submarines for the Italian Navy. The contract also includes an option for the second pair of submarines.

The Italian company began the production activities for the first of two next-generation U212NFS submarines last January.

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The first U212 submarine is scheduled for launch in 2026 with delivery expected in December 2027. The second unit is slated for delivery in 2029.