PHOTOS: Swedish Coast Guard fights fire on German ship with crew still onboard


The Swedish Coast Guard has intervened after a fire broke out on a German ship that was traveling close to Vinga, an island in the archipelago of Gothenburg.

Swedish Coast Guard

The Swedish Coast Guard is on-site with several response vessels in order to control and extinguish the fire, together with several other organizations within emergency preparedness. The coast guard’s multipurpose vessels KBV 001 Poseidon and KBV 002 Triton continue to fight the fire together with tugboats hired by the owner of the vessel NSC Holding GmbH & Cie. KG.

Photo BY Swedish Coast Guard

The police are also assisting with a helicopter and the emergency services with a drone equipped with thermal imaging cameras to locate the fire.

The fire broke out at approximately 3 pm on 4 December, according to the officials. The vessel’s cargo is timber and the fire began in the timber loaded on foredeck above the hold. As the timber is stacked and burns easily the work extinguishing the fire is complicated, the coast guard noted.

Photo by Swedish Coast Guard

The crew remains on board, together with officers from the Swedish Coast Guard and the rescue service. No injuries have been reported and the Almirante Storni’s capacity is limited but the vessel is still functional.

Photo by Swedish Coast Guard

The Swedish Coast Guard is responsible for environmental rescue at sea, the focus apart from extinguishing the fire is also to limit possible oil spill and pollution. The aim is to gain control of the fire and take the ship to a designated quay where the fire can be extinguished.

Photo by Swedish Coast Guard