ESG delivers Sea Falcon drone systems to German Navy

Equipment & technology

ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH has delivered three Sea Falcon unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) to be installed on the German Navy’s K130 Braunschweig-class corvettes.

ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH

As informed, each system consists of two Skeldar V-200 drones, a ground control station integrated on the corvette from which the aircraft is controlled, and equipment with tools and spare parts.

The Sea Falcon is based on the type Skeldar V-200 from the Swedish manufacturer UMS Skeldar AB and can operate for up to 5 hours with a maximum take-off weight of 235kg, a maximum speed of 75 knots and a payload of up to 40kg, according to the company.

It can take off and land automatically on the deck of the corvette in up to 20 knots of wind speed and “Sea State 3”. An integrated sensor transmits real time optical and infrared images to the ground control station.

“The overall service is provided in cooperation with ESG’s highly committed industrial partners: UMS Skeldar AB as manufacturer and supplier of the aircraft, NVL B.V. & Co. KG as the manufacturer of the corvette and UAS integrator, and CUONICS GmbH as the aviation electronics parts developer and manufacturer,” ESG said.

The procurement of UAS is a part of the project Reconnaissance and Identification in the Maritime Operational Area (AImEG). The country’ expects that the corvettes’ capabilities for imaging reconnaissance will be significantly expanded: in future, objects can be detected and identified with the Sea Falcon far beyond the on-board sensor system.

The AImEG project, which is scheduled to be completed in the next four years, includes:

  • in the pilot phase, the development and certification with regard to the adaptation requirements of the German Armed Forces; the delivery of one UAS including integration into a corvette; initial training of the German Armed Forces personnel as well as comprehensive logistic services;
  • in the series production phase, the delivery of two further systems, one of which will also be integrated into a corvette and the other used for land-based training. In addition, three armament sets will be delivered for the future pre-fitting of further corvettes to accommodate a UAS.

In June this year, ESG signed agreement with Boeing and Lufthansa Technik that outline joint efforts to explore potential areas of collaboration in systems integration, training, support and sustainment work.