Saar 6 corvette

Israeli Navy welcomes first Sa’ar 6 warship into the fleet


Israel’s Navy has received the first of four German-made Sa’ar 6 warships, a vessel described as one of the most advanced naval vessels in the navy’s fleet.

Saar 6 corvette INS Magen; Image courtesy: Israeli Navy

The vessel, named INS Magen, was welcomed into the fleet on December 2 at a ceremony in Haifa port, presided by the Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.

The remaining three ships from the batch are scheduled to be delivered to the navy next year. The three other units will be named Oz, Independence and Victory.

The vessel was named by ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems yard in Kiel on May 23, 2019.

The navy expects the vessel will bolster the country’s efforts to protect its coastline and growing natural-gas industry.

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The contract for the delivery of four SA’AR 6 corvettes was signed in May 2015.

Measuring 90 meters in length and displacing around 2,000 tons, the corvettes will feature a high-trajectory anti-missile system and a high-trajectory shooting interceptor, close and far-reaching attack capability, long-term survivability, sea, and air detection capabilities, and the ability to carry a Seahawk helicopter.

The ships will be equipped with the Naval Iron Dome, Barak 8, electronic warfare systems, cyber defense systems and means of detection and surveillance.

The corvette brings the number of missile boats deployed by the Israeli Navy to 15.