Rolls-Royce strengthens ties with UK MOD


Engineering company Rolls-Royce has signed a collaborative agreement with the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) to strengthen ways of working across key Royal Navy programmes.

Royal Navy

As explained, the memorandum of understanding describes a commitment of both parties to work together to deliver ongoing support for Rolls-Royce MT30 and WR-21 engines and an understanding of how that will be done.

Specifically, the agreement will improve on-going support for the Rolls-Royce MT30 engines that power the Royal Navy’s Queen Elizabeth Class (QEC) aircraft carriers.

HMS Queen Elizabeth. Photo: Royal Navy

The MT30 gas turbine alternators provide the power needed for the huge aircraft carriers to operate, turning the propellers that drive them through the water at speeds in excess of 25 knots and the other electrical services that enable the ships to operate.

The agreement also covers support of the WR-21 engines that power the Royal Navy’s Type 45 destroyers.

Earlier this week, British naval shipbuilding industry received a boost as the UK government decided that vital warships providing supplies and technical support to the Royal Navy’s aircraft carriers will be built by British-led teams.