Dynamic Mariner

Naval forces gather for Dynamic Mariner-20

Training & Education

Seven NATO Allies are participating in this year’s edition of NATO exercise Dynamic Mariner (DYMR20) off the coast of France.

Dynamic Mariner

The exercise tests NATO’s Response Force Maritime Component (NRF/M) and interoperability with NATO forces, enhancing flexibility and improving the ability to work together among Allied nations.

It runs between 28 September and 8 October 2020.

Dynamic Mariner brings together 31 surface ships, one submarine, three maritime patrol aircraft and other air assets as well as personnel, from Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, and the United States.

DYMR20 is led by the NATO Maritime Command and involves Standing NATO Maritime Group One (SNMG1) and Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2), two of NATO’s Standing Forces on active duty that contribute to the Alliance’s collective defence on a permanent basis.

Due to the ongoing COVID19 pandemic, some exercise elements such as in-person interactions have been scaled down.

As explained, all NATO missions have robust procedures in place to protect our people and prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus. Because of these enhanced measures, NATO has not seen active transmission within any of its Standing Naval Forces.

“All our forces are able to continue conducting missions in a manner that takes precautionary measures, while still ensuring readiness,” NATO said.

Last year, the 11-day Dynamic Mariner/Flotex-19 concluded on October 18 off the coast of Spain. The exercise brought together 32 surface ships, 2 submarines and 18 air assets, including Maritime Patrol Aircrafts and helicopters.

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