USS Nimitz officially wraps up 15-month overhaul


The lead ship of the US Navy’s Nimitz-class aircraft carriers marked the end of its 15-month docking planned incremental availability as it concluded at-sea training on May 28.

Photo: US Navy

USS Nimitz (CVN 68) crew finished the maintenance availability at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton, and are now looking forward to preparing for future operations.

The availability saw specialized teams focused on painting spaces and rehabilitating the ship’s thousands of square feet of decks while the fire watch teams supported the shipyard, contractors and crew ensuring projects were completed safely.

“There’s been a great partnership between the Nimitz crew, the shipyard and contractors,” said Capt. Kevin Lenox, commanding officer, USS Nimitz. “It has taken 15 months of sustained effort across the project to get to finishing it on time with all of the work done. Congratulations to everyone who was a part of the team.”

USS Nimitz started the overhaul in March last year after taking part in the US Navy’s first three-carrier evolution in ten years.