German frigate Mecklenburg-Vorpommern wraps up operation Sophia deployment


German Navy frigate FGS Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has completed a six-month deployment to the EU-led migrant-rescue operation Sophia and is currently on her way home.

The F123 frigate has departed the Mediterranean Sea and is scheduled to enter her homeport in Wilhelmshaven on January 26.

During her time as part of operation Sophia, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern sailed close to 29,000 nautical miles combating human trafficking and arms smuggling off the coast of Libya.

This was the frigate’s second deployment to the coast of Libya within a year, according to the ship’s commanding officer, Frigate Captain Christian Schulze.

Operation Sophia was launched on June 22, 2015 with the core task to contribute to wider EU efforts to disrupt the business model of human smuggling and trafficking networks in the Southern Central Mediterranean.

Additionally, from October 2016 EUNAVFOR Med Operation Sophia has been carrying out two additional tasks: the training of the Libyan Navy and Libyan Navy Coast Guard and the implementation of the arms embargo off the coast of Libya.