Indonesian Navy commissions second SIGMA frigate KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai


The Indonesian Navy commissioned its second SIGMA 10514 guided missile frigate – KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai – in a ceremony at Benoa Harbor on January 10.

The vessel, which received pennant number 332, was delivered to the Indonesian Navy by shipbuilder PT PAL who worked with Dutch shipbuilder Damen under a transfer of technology agreement.

The SIGMA 10514 is a project initiated in August 2010 by the Indonesian Ministry of Defence. Damen was awarded a contract for the construction of the first SIGMA 10514 PKR in December 2010.

SIGMA frigates are also referred to as Perusak Kawal Rudal-class guided-missile frigates in Indonesia.

The 105-metre, 2,365 tonne PKR frigates are designed to undertake a range of missions in and beyond Indonesian waters. Their primary mission is anti-air, anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare. However, they are also equipped for maritime security, search and rescue, and humanitarian support tasks.

They are fitted with OTO Melara’s 76/62 mm Super Rapid gun, MBDA’s SSM Exocet MM40 Block 3 anti-ship and MICA anti-air missiles.

PKR-class frigates also come with A-244S torpedoes and Terma’s SKWS Decoy Launching System. Two rigid hull inflatable boats (RHIBs) will be aboard for rescue and patrol operations.

The vessels’ propulsion system is a combined diesel or electric (CODOE) configuration which consists of two 10,000kW maximum continuous rating (MCR) diesel engines, two 1,300kW electric motors, two double input gearboxes and two 3.65 metre controllable pitch propellers.

Damen photo of first Indonesian Navy PKR frigate KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata