ECA Group showcases mobile port and coastal protection system

Equipment & technology

French company ECA Group recently demonstrated its unmanned solution for port and coastal protection in the Toulon area, south of France.

The mobile system is based on several robotic systems, a USV Inspector Mk2 and a UAV IT180-60, controlled and supervised from a centralized Command and Control center based onshore.

This system can be used for homeland and security missions and is capable of detecting, tracking and interdicting potentially dangerous air, sea and undersea threats like malicious UAVs, terrorist fast attack boats or divers.

It can be deployed stand alone or integrated in a more complex system for global maritime critical infrastructure protection.

The scenario of the live demonstration included a simulated intruder that managed to reach the area under surveillance by the USV Inspector and the UAV IT180. After successful detection with embarked radar and electro-optical devices, the identified threat was forced to leave the area by means of inoffensive non-lethal weapons, the company said.