Australian Navy frigate tackles logistics following ASMD upgrade


After completing her anti-ship missile defense upgrade that saw her stripped of all her inventory, Royal Australian Navy’s Anzac-class frigate HMAS Toowoomba had a significant logistics challenge to tackle.

The frigate is currently performing sea trials after being re-supplied with everything from hardware and machinery to beds and kitchen cutlery utilising the latest inventory management systems.

Executive Officer Lieutenant Commander Hamish Frazer said the six-month process of replacing the ship’s allowance had been one of the most challenging but beneficial exercises for the new crew.

“We have now validated the inventory for Toowoomba so we have a good understanding of what is required for frigates, and that should have a major benefit for Defence in future,” Lieutenant Commander Frazer said.

“The biggest challenge was identifying what you need to run a ship and we had to go through the hull space by space,” Chief Petty Officer Maritime Logistics – Supply Chain Daniel Byers, who has overseen the addition of more than 9,000 items of stores to the ship, said.

“The process saw the team order in the equivalent of 400 pallets of stores.

“To picture it another way – 25 shipping containers if the pallets are stacked two high, he said.

The ‘Swiss Army Knife’ responsibilities of logistics range from the issue of equipment through to general duties like seamanship evolutions and force protection.

Toowoomba is expected to begin work-ups to complete her operational readiness later this month.