Australia holds fourth Future Submarine industry information event


DCNS and Lockheed Martin, together with the Australian Department of Defence, hosted the fourth Future Submarine information event on May 11 in Brisbane.

“The purpose of today’s briefing is to provide an update on the future submarine program and how we want to maximise Australian involvement for example, through technology transfer and collaboration,” said Brent Clark, chief executive officer, DCNS Australia.

Australian Minister for Defense Industry, Christopher Pyne MP, said Australian industry involvement in the Future Submarine Program was important to the construction and sustainment of the submarine fleet into the future, and would create job opportunities across Australia.

“Successful industry days have already been conducted in Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne, which have attracted more than 1,000 attendees from Australian companies, research and development institutions and educational organisations,” Minister Pyne said.

The Future Submarine industry briefings will continue around the nation in 2017, with the next briefing scheduled for 7 June 2017 in Perth. Further briefings will follow in Hobart and Darwin.

The Future Submarine Program is the largest defense procurement program in Australia’s history and represents an investment in the order of $40 billion. In April 2016, DCNS was chosen as the prime contractor for the construction of 12 submarines with construction expected to start in 2022–23 once 85 per cent of the design is completed.