US Navy’s George H.W. Bush carrier strike group begins COMPTUEX


U.S. Navy’sĀ George H.W. Bush carrier strike group (GHWBCSG) departed Norfolk on November 28 to begin preparing for an upcoming deployment with a composite training unit exercise (COMPTUEX).

During COMPTUEX, the group will combine technology, training, and tactics into multiple scenarios leading to certification for deployment.

“This culminating event builds confidence that we can employ the strike group as a maritime superiority force against any potential adversary, located anywhere in the world, regardless of their military capabilities,” said Rear Adm. Kenneth Whitesell, commander, CSG 2.

“This is the most effective method to actually demonstrate how we adapt to an ever-changing world environment. There is no better training in preparation for deployment.”

CSG 4 is evaluating the GHWBCSG on their performance during the simulated surface and sub-surface threats, and ship movements the ships may encounter during a strait transit or in the vicinity of hostile waters.

Throughout the exercise, fictitious geopolitical scenarios are used to replicate real-world circumstances the GHWBCSG may encounter during the slated deployment.

“This is the closest training to real-world scenarios that is available,” said Cmdr. Gabriel Mauldin, George H.W. Bush combat directions officer. “We have qualified several watchstanders during the training cycle, and this will test their knowledge in a new and elevated manner.”

GHWBCSG is comprised of George H.W. Bush; staffs of CSG 2, Carrier Air Wing 8 and its squadrons; Destroyer Squadron 22 staff and its guided-missile destroyers; and guided-missile cruisers USS Hue City (CG 66) and USS Philippine Sea (CG 58).