Chilean Navy Orions to feature Rockwell Collins’ avionics system


IMP Aerospace was recently awarded a contract for the service life extension, depot maintenance and avionics upgrade of the Chilean Navy’s P-3 Orion maritime patrol aircraft.

Rockwell Collins has now announced that IMP selected its Flight2 integrated avionics system for the cockpit modernization.

“Chilean Navy pilots will experience greater situational awareness and communications capabilities with the highly advanced avionics on board these aircraft,” said Alan Prowse, Rockwell Collins vice president and managing director.

The Flight2 integrated avionics suite of communications, navigation and surveillance equipment integrates new-generation avionics with legacy sensors, radios, autopilot and aircraft systems. According to the company, the system is currently flying on more than 900 fixed-wing aircraft.

The ACH P-3 Orion aircraft play a critical role in detecting submarine threats, search and rescue, littoral/overland surveillance and economic zone and shipping lane protection.

The mid-life upgrade modification on two ACH P-3A aircraft will include installation of a “glass cockpit” and upgraded engines in addition to a phased depot maintenance inspection. The work will be completed within IMP’s Halifax, Nova Scotia facilities and will be preceded by work on the avionics installation design, avionics kit procurement and aircraft nacelle refurbishment, IMP said in October.