Cadets visit Royal Navy Submarine School at HMS Raleigh


Officer cadets under training at Britannia Royal Naval College have been given an insight into what it takes to become a Royal Navy submariner.

The group were given the chance to look around the Royal Navy Submarine School at HMS Raleigh and see the facilities used to train servicemen and women to operate beneath the waves.

They were able to witness training in the Dolphin attack simulator, which mimics the control room on board a submarine, and take a look through the periscope.

The visitors, who joined the Royal Navy in May, were able to meet staff and students to find out about their experiences and also the training required to qualify as a member of the Silent Service.

Officer cadet (OC) Daniel Sandillon-Charlton said: “The visit to the submarine school allowed us to witness first-hand the role of a Weapons Engineering officer in the control room of a submarine.”

“It was a great experience and interesting to see how life as a submariner would be very different to that in General Service.”

“The opportunity to ask questions of the instructors was valuable and I came away with a much better understanding of the training process and timeline.”