Video: Russia starts Syria offensive


Airstrikes have hit rebel positions in Syria for the first time in weeks after Russia announced the start of its offensive on Tuesday.

According to Russian media reports, the country’s defense minister Sergei Shoigu confirmed that airstrikes hit Homs and Idlib provinces of Syria.

The minister further said that aircraft from the Admiral Kuznetsov carrier cruiser took part in the operation marking the ship’s first ever involvement in combat operations.

“The main targets of the strikes are warehouses with ammunition, [terrorist] gatherings and terrorist training centers, as well as plants for the production of various kinds of weapons of mass destruction of the population,” Shoigu was quoted as saying by the Russian RT.

Another first was marked by the Russian Navy’s Project 11356 frigate Admiral Grigorovich which fired Kalibr cruise missiles targeting terrorist positions. A video released by the Russian Ministry of Defence below shows the frigate deploying the missiles.